Event Details

Spend the afternoon exploring and shopping small in Downtown Easton while sampling some of Easton’s tastiest fare and libations.

Check-in at the concierge tent in Centre Square where you will be given a wristband and map of the pairings. All participants must provide photo ID for proof of age participants under the age of 21 will be identified with a specific wristband. Participants must have wristbands displayed at all times to receive food and libations. All ticket sales are final, no refunds.
Tickets will also be available day of the event, $15.


Creative Spirit
123 N. Third St.
Wine tasting from Easton Wine Project 

Easton Candle Company
117 N. Third St.
Wine tasting from Three Birds Coffee 

Belleville Market 
20 S. Third St.
Food samples from SURV Restaurant

65 N. Fourth St.
Food samples from Stoke

Casa 401 
16 N. Third St.
Beer samples from Böser Geist Brewing Co.

441 Northampton St.
Food samples from Queso at Casa

Belleville Market 
20 S. Third St.
Spirit samples from County Seat Spirits